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Embracing My Natural Gray Hair

By Dr. Sheila Pope

Last week, I had a hair appointment. I had to make a few tough decisions about my hair. Our hair speaks for us and it makes statements all on its own about us. Women are judged by their hairstyles, hair texture, and hair colors. African American hair requires so much work!

It takes time to achieve this look!

I have not had a perm for almost a year! Wearing weaves has been a blessing for my lifestyle. I am a single mother of four. I am a CEO and an adjunct Professor. I teach online on camera three days of the week. I need to be able to go and look good quickly.

I have not seen or combed my hair for a year. One day while waiting for my stylist to braid my hair, I realized my hair had turned completely gray! It was a shock. I lost my Fredrick Douglas look, gray around the frame of your face, and transformed into my Aunt Zeffie look.

I had surgery two weeks ago and my closure was a hot mess!  I took my weave out and wore my natural hair. First, I saw how much my hair had grown out. I have always had thick, long hair, but it had been damaged and weave covered the damaged areas. I realized God had restored my hair. But I had to embrace me without the weave. I asked myself how does this look make me look to others. For the first time in years, I saw me! 

Me with all of my gray!

I realized taking care of natural hair requires TOO MUCH TIME! I had previously made a hair apt for June 5th. I figured I would decide if I wanted to wear my natural hair and keep my gray. I thought about coloring it and wearing it natural.

As a busy entrepreneur, I like getting up and going. Braiding my hair at night was too much. I needed products for natural hair. Dealing with tangles was overwhelming. More importantly, I realized I was not as confident with my natural thick gray hair. I began to ask myself questions. If I am not confident with myself, can I sell my brand?

I came to realize I am my brand regardless of my hair texture. I also decided to let Neeka, my hairstylist do a quick weave. I love my time. I did not dye or perm my natural hair. I love my new look.

Loving My Hair!

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