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Tech in My Classroom

by Sheila Pope, PhD

This month, I was determined to introduce my students to various apps. They have worked so hard on STAAR and they needed a break. Well, I needed one too! Using technology is relaxing to me.

I decided I wanted my students to go outside and enjoy Worthing’s beautiful landscape. Believe it or not, my students had not taken the time to “smell the roses.” Many of them asked, “Do we really have roses on campus?” We used ThingLink application to make our photos interactive and engaging. The kids were everywhere and they really enjoyed using the app. I wanted them to share their experiences using ThingLink. Therefore,  I introduced them to to create a blog.

Next, we used Screencastomatic.  I used my webcam and my recorder to record my actions on the screen. My students wanted to know if they could record themselves playing videos. Being an old school Centipede game player, I recorded myself playing the game. Most of my students downloaded the software immediately. They will use the software next week to record a video for class.

We used Khan Academy’s grammar application for the first time this year. When I think of Khan Academy, I think of their math tutorials but they have added a new focus- writing My students needed to review basic grammar and this program was just the help I needed. My students loved the fact they could compete with each other too. I also gave my students with the highest scores treats too. Everyone earned participation point regardless of their scores. It was a win-win situation!

My students needed to improve their vocabulary skills, so I created classes on I had planned to use last year but did not do it. This year, my classes are on fire! The application feeds their need for competition and it helps them learn at a rapid pace. We have a common goal to become the top school on the Vocabulary Leader Board

Moreover, I played a very exciting game of Kahoot with my students. We read “Animal Farm” and we watched the movie. I felt a quiz was the perfect ending to the unit. All of my classes played and each of my classes loved it. The Assistant Principal came in during the game and she was so happy to see all of the students engaged. My students were loud but they were thinking too! Next, my students will are going use Kahoot to create reviews and quizzes for their peers.

The last app I introduced to my students was It allows students to annotate, to record and to create videos in a short amount of time. Today, my students used the app to  demonstrate how to solve STAAR edit and revise questions. I was so happy to have some of my students share some of their work with Jennifer Gingerich, the Discovery Ed Consultant. My students worked as a team to create their projects.

I started this process on April 4th and we have been moving rapidly. Next year, since our school is fully a PowerUp school, I will integrate the apps into my classes earlier with very specific activities. I think my students will stay engaged more and I will have more fun too.

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